St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

School / Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago

Our school was originally established by the Josephite Sisters in 1917 to serve the catholic families of the far west. St. Joseph’s School exists for the education of children from Prep age (turning 5 years by 30th June) to Year Six and is a co-educational facility still serving the township and surrounding properties of Blackall. Our school Mission Statement stresses the need for a partnership to be forged between parents and school. If we are to be effective in the education of your child, then we must encourage this cooperative teacher-parent relationship. Education and Catholic Education in particular, is a three-way process of communication involving teacher, child and parent. As a family school, parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s education. Our teachers are always willing to discuss your child’s progress, his/her learning needs and any problems that might arise. Our Mission Statement also emphasizes a child centred education which recognises and respects the needs and talents of each individual, this is paramount to what St. Joseph’s and our patron saint St. Joseph is all about.

109 Thistle Street
