Girraween High School

School / Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago

Girraween High School (760 students, 92% EALD) is a fully academically selective, coeducational high school. Student wellbeing and academic excellence are fostered through a comprehensive approach to positive education principles including mentoring, resilience programs around a Positive Education Model. The curriculum focuses upon high expectations of student academic achievement.

Student and staff leadership opportunities are promoted in a supportive environment. Our core values of Aspire, Respect, Unite - permeate our school community. A diverse curriculum and a wide range of cocurricular opportunities enhance school culture. Dedicated staff provide learning experiences to meet the cognitive and affective needs of gifted students.

Applicants should utilise the information in the Girraween High School 2018-2020 Plan and past Annual Reports when writing their CV. These documents can be found on our school website:

02 96367293
02 98963274
110 Gilba Rd
New South Wales
PO Box 63
